Great Friday evening set up beside a trickling stream where we BBQ'd traditional cheese burgers (but no cheesy fries in the mountains) and slept in our RV Summer Home with ease. Not a drop of forecast rain fell.
We awoke to NO POWER, again, and we only used one inside light, one outside light, and the water pump last night; go figure. So after morning brews, Joe, my Silver Helmet hubby, unloaded our portable generator and set it up.
It ran while we fixed our lunch of ham, cheese, crackers, cokes, and fig newtons and packed up Ruffus for a ride. So many beautiful flowers on the hills. Had to have some for our 'coke-vase'.
On the trail up Iron Mine Dugway the thunder brought us back off the high peaks. Then the sun returned, so we rode to scout out some future campsites and just had to explore this one . . . of course I was in the driver's seat and didn't react fast enough to get us through this sinkhole.
Then appeared three angels, one on his brand new red ATV that had a wench. He tried it out for US. What a dear threesome.
This was the camp trip to crown our RV with her name, BJ. What joy. Her namesake is our first BJ, our sailboat that we enjoyed for many years on the Great Salt Lake.
Time for the exciting day to come to a close without sight of a single dandelion. I wrote some Haiku and Joe sat by the fire . . .
Melodious hoot
of gray horned owl was lost in
neighbor's pop music
A church bench does not
necessarily determine
a man's character
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