It's late June and off we go into the Uinta National Forest for a day ride along a favorite trail in Current Creek area; Low Creek Pass.
As we ride we pat each other on the thigh and point out remembered camp sites, hiking trails, or lunch spots. Wind walks through the layers of pines, but our glorious aspen weren't even leafed out yet; the summit pass was covered with snow too deep to throttle our way through. So we did something way out of character...we went around on an off-the-trail-path outlined by other four-wheelers (we don't like to disturb mother nature). Even when we get to a spot and have to turn around, its back up go forward, back up go forward on the trail itself until we get turned around.
Spring like runoff spills from the hillsides into mountain gutter-like roadside streams. The air smells clean. Summer was late, not one dandelion was spotted along the way.